12th April 2023
Hey! See you all on Monday!
Artificial Intelligence for Voice Switch
This week I spent some time investigating some new technology and figuring out how we can leverage it in future applications and products.
We have had clients in the past and present that would benefit from a noise activated switch that would allow them to control their devices using a single noise (like a shout) to trigger a switch press. There are solutions on the market for this however, they are hard to get a hold of and setup reliably.
After some brainstorming we wanted to see if this is someting we could build ourselves in software using Machine Learning to detect the noise. After building part of a system to do this we have realised that it won't be as easy as we think so we are going to pursue existing solutions more but we can come back to our software approach if it doesnt work out.
What is Dasher? Click here to find out
As part of our continuing support of the Dasher project Will and I hosted a meeting to update everyone on how the development of Dasher is going. We have a recording of the meeting if you are interested in watching it back.
We have now decided that we are going to focus the project on getting a working Windows version of Dasher released. We know what we need to achieve this, we need to hire a competent developer and we need the funding to do that. These two things we are actively in discussion with the wider Dasher community about.
What is launchpad? Click here to find out
I am to add one new customisable resource to our website every week. This week i updated the 'creating stories' chart. So you can now customise that chart on our website here: https://acecentre.org.uk/resources/creating-stories
I updated the banner on the homepage of the website to say that we are closed for a few days next week. I also did my weekly e-learning module to make sure I get them all done. Jon and I also chatted about a few ways that we can improve workflows to prevent any duplication of information.
Last updated